Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 32: P90x Yoga X and the names of the poses in P90 X Yoga X.

Day 32. P90x Yoga X. Another day of Yoga and I still don't like it. Too long and i'm not flexible. It is getting easier though. I can pretty much hold all of the poses now but I am still working on the flexibility thing. I had a question from someone the other day. They wanted to know the name of all the poses in the P90x Yoga X work out, so I will post the poses and exercises here so you can see what the are. We do Astanga Sun Salutations (Vinyasas), Chaturanga, Downward Dog, Upward Dog, Runner's Pose, Crescent Pose, Warrior One, Warrior Two, Warrior Three, Reverse Warrior, Triangle Pose, Twisting Triangle, Prayer Twist, Right-Angle Pose, Half Moon, Twisting Half Moon, Tree, Royal Dancer, Standing Leg Extension, Crane (better use your pillow), Seated Spinal Stretch, Cat Stretch, Frog, Bridge (Wheel), Plough, Table, Cobbler Pose, Touch the Sky, Boat, Half Boat, Torso Twist Hold, Side Twist, Deep Torso Twist Hold, Side Twist, Glute Strech, Happy Baby, Child's Pose, Shavasana (Corpse Pose), Fetal Pose and the Meditation Pose (Lotus). Yes, you do all of these in about and hour and a half on Yoga X day. Yes, they are hard but get easier as the weeks progress. Well, for the of you who wanted to know the names of the poses in P90x Yoga X I hope this helps. There are also a few other stretches but as far as the Yoga X poses, this is all of them.

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