Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 44: P90x Plyometrics

Day 44. P90x Plyometrics. Jump,jump,jump. Get up, stand up, come on throw ya hands up. Get out ya seat and jump around. Yep, that's House of Pain. "Jump Around", this song should be the theme song for plyometrics day. You want to burn some calories? Then jump around. Well, it is a little more strategic then just jumping aound but I'm sure you get the point. I put back on those few pounds that I lost that I didn't want to lose. With all of these calorie burning P90x work outs I figure I need to get around 2400 calories a day in. Now when you're eating clean that's a lot of calories. I feel like I am always eating. Tomorrow brings the half way point and this far I feel I have been doing pretty good. Fell off the nutrition band wagon to indulge in some beer drinking but that really is about it. I've had 1 coke in 45 days, no white rice, no white pasta, no white bread,no candy,cakes or really any sweets. I did have some cheese cake awhile back. I had a some bbq chips at the party on sat along with a hot dog and hamburger but that is about it for cheating days. I've followed the nutrition plan to about 90-95% I would say. Moderation is the key when it comes to eating. I really don't feel like I am missing out on anything and those few days I wanted to cheat a little I did. Just can't do it everyday. That's when the problems will start. See you all tomorrow for back and biceps/ab ripper.

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